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Additional Information


Statistics about technology
  • An average teenager spends over one-third of their day on media, such as online music, and videos. About 9 hours on average.


  • Ages 8-12 typically spent ~6 hours on a daily basis using online media.


  • According to a survey done in 2014-2015, 94% of teens that had a phone used it daily. Additionally, 71% of teens admitted to using more than one social media outlet.


  • 69% of adults in the U.S. are social media users. According to Pew Research Center in their latest study.​


  • Almost all Canadian that are under 45 years of age us the internet every day.


  • 48 percent of the people spending 5 hours or more a day on phones have thought about suicide


  • A study in the US showed that after young people give up their phone for a while, they performed mental tasks worse than before and had increased heart rate and blood pressure

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