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How does it Happen?


App designers make notification colour red, making it look more appealing to click on


Getting addicted to technology can be caused by social issues:


Social isolation: Not using technology can lead to social isolation; everyone uses technology and social media to communicate nowadays, if you don't join in on them, then you're going to be alone. Consequently, this pressures you to often check your social media to make sure you don't miss out on anything important. By and by, this becomes a habit that you can't get rid of as you feel obligated to take a look at your social media. Do you have an urge right now to check your email because you haven't checked it in 3 hours? 



Social Anxiety: Many people are uncomfortable when it comes to talking face to face. They rather talk through a screen than directly. Also, many people turn to technology to escape social situations. They immerse themselves in technology to forget the issues they are faced with, not just socially sometimes, but also financially academically -- anything. The longer these people spend on technology, the more reluctant they are to attend real-life social events, causing the cycle to repeat itself.


People use technology and social media to feel important about themselves. When someone likes a picture you posted or commented under it, you feel good about it. It is difficult to feel good in a world of billions, and technology designers just happen so to do so.




Factors That Make People Prone to Addiction


People who suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia, are more likely to get addicted to technology. This is because -- as mentioned before -- these people are often faced with social inconveniences, causing them to turn to technology. People with ADD and ADHD are also more prone to technology addiction.


Individuals with shy and unsocial personalities avoid social interaction by indulging themselves in technology.

People with high-stress level distract themselves with technology to relieve stress, as well as dodging real-life issues. However, these issues keep on building up, and so they spend more time with technology, leading to addiction.


People who have suffered from addictions in other forms are also more prone to technology addiction.









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